Saturday, March 31, 2012

Me Time

Takin some time to myself for a couple hours before I head off to bartend. Got my car all shiny n sexy we ready to roll head stopping. Look At Me Now. Work Hard and Play Hard. It is what I do.

Oh The Fun

Oh how I love to come home and have to work on my personal computer after spending all week and day @ work, fixing others computers keeping systems up to date. But when I get home don't feel like fixing my own. To mentally strained to undergo the repair process for myself. How do I get the motivation and energy to fix my own laptop. I don't want to do a OS reinstall but it looks like I may have to. If I want a functioning device rather than a paper weight that is out of date. What to do what to do.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Break Thr Plateau

<p>Working to continue busting through the continuously evolving plateau that is developed through my intense workout routines. Tryin to stay ahead of the game and continue moving forward in my ongoing goal a physical fitness. I gotta get just gotta get it. Just finished up P90X2 and it was more challenging than P90X now I am going to venture into Insanity. Constantly doing more to improve my overall health and life. Never stop evolving.</p>

Daily IT Fun

Nothing beats walking in to work and being hunted down as soon as you set foot in the door. Makes for a good Friday. I can't wait oooo so much fun to happen.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Thoughts

<p>Trying the FitBit to track my daily activity from steps taken to calories burned steps climbed. Seems to be working fine so well will see how it goes tomorrow after a full day of use.</p>

Ongoing Personal Technical Dilemna

Should I build a custom desktop computer or should I purchase one with already preset limits. I'm leaning toward building but have been lazy and not doing it even though I have some of the materials to do so and the knowledgebase to accomplish the task. Why can't I come to a conclusion or just do it and quit talkin bout it.

I have been saying I am going to build one just need to do it and quit talkin bout it and be about it.

How To Geek - Building A New Computer

New Day

As the day gets underway I take a glance at my to do list and wonder if I will accomplish anything of the list. From my personal or technical tasks I have to do. Lookin for new and creative ways to accomplish simple tasks that occur during my busy all over day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Troubleshooting - PC Management

I recently started using this program called Soluto to repair family members computers. It gives me the ability to work on the computer from the comfort of my house. Which makes things go smoothly when I don't feel like leaving the house or I just wanna go home after work.

Check it out:


I have done a couple more website and updated a current one that I have been working on to be more up to date with the current website trends. 

I am broadening my website knowledge and have creating a variety of different types of websites for people I know and have made some through a couple of referal.

Coming Back

Been away for a while and I've decided to come back and get it going. So stay posted for more. I will be blogging on various interest I have such as IT, sports, and other randomness I can come up with. I'm all over the place so be prepared.