Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I feel like I am overworked work work work. Is all I seem to do. No time with the bf jus work work and more work. Pulling 12+ hour days of work for 5 out of 7 days. Makes for an exhausted Alicia that has realized I need to get a social life and sum time for me myself and I.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Relationships & Friendships

To date a friend or to not. What if it doesn't work out and the friendship is ruined forever. But what if it does and the friendship will just become stronger than ever on both levels. It's a tough decision to make and to think about. The negatives loom with the doubt of what ifs that lie in this tricky realm. To take the risk and try and see if it'll work out for the good or destroy something that is like a rock