Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Obligatory Buy

The unwritten rule or code that if I buy something from your child you will return the favor and purchase something from your child when the time comes. This is the rules of hustling your child, grandchild, niece, nephew school and fundraising items in the workplace. It is just pure courtesy if I buy something to help your kid or kids you will buy something. No set rules of how it works it is just assumed in the business world. Just another unwritten rule, that helps us all out in the end. You help me I help you. But there is always the one person that wants you to buy something from their child but when the time comes around for them to buy something from you they don't and give a bunch of lame excuses.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Its amazing how rude some people are and think nothing of it. Jump line then cop an attitude because I wait help the person who was next since u did jus come from the end of the line. And then don't tip I mean seriouslyseriously

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Don't Blame Me

Don't blame me for your lack of pictures on your website. I have told you several times I need pictures before I can do anything. I mean this is common sense I thought but what do I know. Drop them off at my house I have a mailbox. Tell me how many pictures you have, how should I know how many you want to display. You are a handyman with \self owned business what do you want to showcase, how should I know. Then cop an attitude when I ask what all do you want to display and want to meet for me to show you what I have in mind. I don't have anything in mind I don't have pictures so I don't know what I will be putting up or the format. Are there different projects based on parts of the house you are working on. I am the website designer not the handy man I deal with getting things to display on the website not what you think you should put up You are trying to get new business what do you want to showcase, how simple is that.

Monday, July 23, 2012

On A Mission

I have decided that I am going to get into the best shape of my life for myself and to prove to myself I can accomplish anything if I only try and give it my all. Pushing my limits like never before to get unbelievable results and show all what can be done if you just try and takes the first step. Since the first step is the hardest but once you start you won't be able to stop. Develop the habit and it will stick just keep pushing and break down the boundaries that are set mentally. You are more powerful and stronger than you would ever believe until you try and see what you can do.

Another Year

Another year older I wonder what this year has in store for me the ups the downs. I await them all with much anticipation. Just a little more older, wiser more sound person and developing more into my adult life, living a life of inspiration finding ways to inspire others and be a role model for what you can do with your life if you live it right and never give up on what you want to do personally or business oriented. As i get older I look back on who I was as a child where I said I wanted to be, where I was in college and what I said I wanted to do then and where I am now. Although I have not done everything that I have said I wanted to do in my life I have handled the challenges that have came up with excellent perseverance. Not letting it keep me down for long but finding a way to overcome and to continue to achieve and move forward in my life and with my goals as they have changed.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pump Ya Brakes

Before you go sending emails trying to make something seem like it is my fault we have not progressed on updating a website. When we spoke I informed you that I need pictures to begin the process of getting them back up on your website. Now you wanna act like I never said that when I know for a fact that I said it everytime you mentioned your website in the past 3 times you have spoke of not having pictures being posted on the site. Now you wanna throw it on me saying oh I thought you were looking for a new website to get the pictures up. I have never once mentioned that in any of the discussion I said I need the pictures before I can do anything. Now since you are in a hurry and need to get pictures on my website you wanna blow me up. I've been waiting for you funny how when you need something you are in a rush but when you are doing things for people houses it seems like you take your sweet time. And get to it when you get to it, I was going to use you for my basement floor but now I am unsure if I want to do this, I might go with a different company or someone that handles business meetings more professional and when they say they are going to start work and be there they will. Not I got held up or something came up. I don't have time for that I am a busy person. Granted you are on the low end of the pay spectrum when it comes to my house I am going to have to go a little higher it is looking in retrospect. Even if I had a website that I planned on using to get the pictures on your site I can't BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE ANY PICTURES TO GET UPLOADED.  Review the facts before you try and jump all fly with someone before you come out looking like a fool.

Birthday Approaches

As my birthday approaches I begin to look back on my life. I realize that I'm not where I'd thought I would be at this point in my life. But I am not where I use to be I have made some tremendous advances for my life. Another year comes and goes and I am one step closer to leaving my 20's and entering into a new decade of my 30's what will it bring. What does the 28th year of my life have to offer. What surprises are in store. I look forward to another year since someone will not male it to their next birthday or even tomorrow. The joys of life are never ending, the ups the downs I take them all in stride because they have made me the person who I am today and who I developed into throughout the last 27 years & 363 days.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Thought I Did

I love how like think I did something and when it comes down to it, I actually have done this several times. The latest incident was earlier this week I thought I responded to said email and have been waiting for a response but checked my sent mail and it shows that I have nit sent response to said email, when I clearly remember responding and asking a couple of questions that I needed answers to. I even remember what in wrote but not record of my sent email. Where did I send it, was this just a dream or some severely bad deja vu. It was so real good thing this doesn't happen often but damn this was enough drove me crazy. Has been racking my brain with this one all day. Hmmmm

Auto Start

Its hilarious how people freak with the auto start on my car. Its magic a car is starting/running but no one is in it or remotely around. The look of utter confusion is PRICELESS. Trying to look and see if anyone is in the car, the double triple and fourth checks, doesn't help that I usually have some form of loud hip hop or r&b music playing. The small things entertain me oh so much, I just chat get enough makes my day. Turned my slow Thursday into a lively one and picked things up my afternoon seemed to fly by with me thinking bout that the rest of the day and the countless other times that I have gotten people with my auto start, its great. Time and time again it never fails to entertain me. Gotta love it. Pure look of confusion and shock my the starting of an empty car and music blarong. Makes my day don't care bout nut in else.

Long Day

Man its been a long day, to start it all off no power this morning @4:45. So just hanging around in the dark listening to internet radio. Since its all I could do since I really didn't wanna workout in the dark but I did get some cardio and light lifting in. Did a quick HIIT workout and had to open garage door manually oh what fun. Just the way i wanted to start off my day let alone workweek. Even though it is a shortened week for me. And its my birthday week oh yeah. The big 2 8, I'm getting old look at what I've accomplished in the past 28 years, think I have done very well with myself.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I love how I put so much pressure on myself to succeed at everything I do and even things that don't really matter. I doubt myself on occassion when things don't go my way of it I come up against a difficult challenge. I wonder if I can do it will I succeed do I have the willpower to make it happen. Why do I do this to myself time and time again, even on things that I can't control. Those are always the best something completely out of my control can have me worrying about it even if I can't affect the outcome. Wow I need to relax at times, I think that is why I workout so much to clear my head of all the nonsense that can get compounded throughout a normal day. Geez some of the smallest things can effect my day. At times I need to relax and take a step back and analyze the situation before getting all worked up over nothing. I do this especially when it comes to officiating I wonder if I will do a good job make the right calls. All leading up to the day and time of when I have to officiate. I have been officiating for 5 going on 6 years why do I constantly degrade my skills and ability to call a fair game. Others trust and like working with me since I call what needs to be called let go what doesn't effect the play or the flow of the game. I need to just relax and quit working myself up over absolutely nothing. I also am doing this with bartending now also wondering will I be able to make the drinks that I am asked to. Perform up to the level that I am suppose to be performing to. Hoping I can remember the ingredients in a drink. When some of this comes second nature with the basic drinks that every bartender knows how to make. Always wanting to do my best at anything I do is a reward and a curse in it's on outright way. Striving for perfection in everything, not settling for the mediocre lifestyle wanting the bigger and better. Not stopping and until I reach it but will I know when I am there. Will all this hard work and pressure pay off in the end, I sure hope so. Only time will tell.Words to live by relax and be confident you can do anything you set your mind and body out to do if you believe in yourself and your given talents.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pace Myself

This is why I wait to do things until the last possible time well at least in the working world. Hurry up and get things ready for our new hires and low and behold after I finish working on the computers and getting everything set up. They move and I have to clean out another office and set it up for an existing rep. Slow and Steady is my usual pace but for some reason I wanted to knock these out and get back to what I had on my list of things to get done this week which has already been shot to hell once and yet again. I'll throw it out and start over next week which is already pretty much filled up with tasks that need to be done. Especially since I am off Friday. Cramming my normal week into 4 days should be fun with the added additions that I have to do faster than my normal pace. Things alwayz change but in the IT world they seem to change more frequently than normal and they should. Well at least in my current situation this is my position will I change possibly and probably yes. But the plan alwayz goes out the window when such things happen and then has to be picked up and made up for on another day which seems to never come or it comes but I am unaware of it. Since I am working on something else that has came along and been dropped on my plate. I wonder how people think at times I could have come up with this plan earlier to prevent late notices. And yet again it changes with a sudden phone issue. Oh how I love the issues that arise when it is almost quitting time and I am so ready to get out of here. And free myself from this constantly changing and sometimes annoying environment of utter chaos with the minions.

Constant Change

Why do you ask me to post something on the website only to have me change it once you decide that is not what you want to say about a said event. Maybe send me what you want me to have it say rather than having me guess since obviously we don't think alike in such matters. I do not like going back and doing things over and over again. I do not like the tedium of the work, I do have a day job and other things that I need to do that pay my bills not just give me a little extra money in the bank in or in my pockets especially since I am doing this work for dirt cheap. With all the updates and changes that you perform throughout the year I take one flat rate and haven't asked for more and I have been doing this going on 6 years for you. Being cheated on my money having to wait and listen to excuses of why I can't get paid when I ask. Most people would chaulk this up and say to hell with you and the website. I don't need this but I don't must be my damn nice nature. Make up your damn mind and tell me what you want me to say rather than cluttering up my email account or sending me text messages at all hours of the night I go to bed early and wake up early so I don't update certain things after a certain time since one I am not in the mood or I am busy doing other things that I have to do with my hectic and busy life despite what you may believe I do since I am an IT person. And the big stereotype is that we sit around all day surfing the internet when in pure fact we clearly don't we are very busy with real life situations that effect programs and environments. 

Thank You for not understanding

Monday, July 9, 2012

IT Frustrations

The frustrations of a IT person are endless especially when you come across the all to common not so simple fixes that just rattle your brain on why the system is acting the way it does. Especially in the corporate world I have ran across more wierd computer issues that I could have ever imagined. Some you know how to figure out with trial and error, then there are the ones that consume your whole day and the fix is rather quite simple just not that heard of or known for that much. When your normal computer fixing skills don't seem to work you begin to wonder and have internal conversations with yourself and other IT people if they are around and work with you to rack each others brains to see if you can find a solution to the seemingly non-solvable problem. Monday and Fridays seem to be the days for these type of issues nothing like a Monday morning computer issue that is brain and nerve racking that takes you all day to figure out and pretty much setting you back on the rest of the weeks work that you already had lined up. Or the Friday afternoon around 4 - 4:30 computer problems that make the last part of your workday go on forever and leave you with a headache and a head full of theories on the start of your weekend. Nothing beats thinking about work problems on a Friday night and all day Saturday, the best is when you figure out the problem and it was a simple yet uncommon fix that you would have never thought of. My personal favorite the computer just decides to work again with nothing special you have done to make it function regularly. I Digress and Continue to Search For The Answer to Today's Computer Mystery.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Inappropriate Wedding Reception Songs

I have come to the conclusion that there are some songs that should not be played at wedding receptions. I heard one of those songs today and it happens to be Rihanna - Birthday Cake. Just doesn't sound appropriate and a wedding there are other songs I'm sure that shouldn't be played at a reception. Let's think Jay Z / Kayne West - Niggas in Paris, Chris Brown - Strip. Just not appropriate to play at a reception don't know why but just doesn't fit the mood of the atmosphere. The list can go on and on that is all I have off the top of my head. Very interesting day and reception.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Why do some people feel the need to post everything about there life on Facebook. No one cares what you did just now. Don't post things about yourself it only makes you look bad and you don't even know it. Makes people question your education and life based off of some of the things you post. The message hear is to THINK before you post. Then reread said post to make sure it makes sense.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Turn Signal

Does it mean you can just come over in to my lane were I am driving because you put your turn signal on. Uh I think not in my lane I have the right away despite what you think. Good thing I have good reflexes and am very aware of my surroundings and other drivers while I'm out. Then wanna look at me funny when I honk my horn like u ain't do nutin wrong. Bitch you almost hit me since in your world turn signal means get over without checking your blind spot my car will always be in the blind spot of ur SUV, look over your shoulder not just your rear view mirrors who obviously didn't see me and my red acura driving. I Mean Seriously.