Monday, April 30, 2012

Crazy People

have you ever tried listening to what is being said rather than hearing what you choose to hear. THis is not the first time what I have said has been
blown out of proportion and taken for what it was not meant to be. I say random remarks with no harm intended but you have taken what I have said to
a whole new level more than once. i can only bite my tongue for so long before you hear something else that isn't implied or said in a simple conversation
or in response to a conversation that was being had. L.I.G - Let It Go, get over it move on. Ask me if you have a problem with what I have said, why go
to a third party and complain to them. am i not an adult, responsible person reasonable. i mean really you are out of your damn mind, but htis will get taken
out of context also. so maybe just keep your crazy comments to yourself and let me be me for that is all i know how to be and who i am. i haven't
changed, but since you hear what you want i guess we will alwayz have some type of issue. no matter how i try and avoid confratation and
unnecessary drama. y not deal with the issue at hand that no one is allowed to talk about and every time it gets brought up you have to try and take
something majorily overboard with a conversation that meant no harm just stating an obvious fact. don't take your insecurities out on me because I am
who i am and work hard for what i have and will for the most part help anyone in need if they ask. i can only help those that want to be helped. i don't
go out of my way and help those i don't feel are worth it and my time. i can only look up to people that i feel like have something to teach or show me
i can't help it that some people piss away opportunities that have been granted while others take full advantage of what they have and see something
they want and go after it and won't stop until they succeed and get what they want and feel like they deserve.

DAMN CRAZY PEOPLE open your ears and hear the whole conversation just not what you want to hear or feel is being said to cause pain. I am not that person
nor have I ever have or will be. Think about it.


I love how a simple word taken outta context can be blown completely out of proportion and taken not for what it was meant and how it was said. Some people just can't take a joke, sarcasm simple humor. Wow a simple sentence has been blown way outta proportion and made into something that I never meant for it to sound like or even mean. Adding words and thoughts behind a simple word phrasing is unbelievable. Things have been turned aroudn in ways that I had no intention of saying or making them mean such things. I ama  sarcastic smart ass wow, I have been this way for the majority of my life and the people/person that got offended by a comment has known me my whole damn life for the most part. I have not just turned into this person in the last few days I have been this way and mean to harm with what I say. But when you add a word or remove a word from the context of a conversation awlay here you go a total different meaning to what I have said or meant to say. I am sorry that you can't take a joke or hear the sarcasm in my tone when I say certain things. I will just keep my comments to myself when you are around since you take things to a level never imagined by me when things were said.

Until next time when I return to my not giving a DAMN about what you think. But for know I will keep the peace and keep my mouth shut and not talk to you since you turn my words around so frequently anyway into something that is not even mentioned in the context of a conversation but added by your own ears to hear.


Things I Encounter

The things that I come across in my many occupations that I currently hold. From clothing choices, life choices, comments. The possibilities are endless. I have observed several things some people just shouldn't do. The biggest thing I have seen is outfits, people please buy clothes that fit, remember these words just cause it is made in your size or what you think your size is does not mean it is meant for you to wear. Do you look in the mirror before leaving the house or just say I look good and say F it. The by far funniest thing I have seen is people dancing that can't are overly drunk and just plain are doing to much on the dance floor. Makes my life a very interesting thing. Just can't get enough of the all the wonderful things my eyes have seen.

Until next time.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Neat Mobile Apps

I have found a couple of cool apps I would like to share the first is; HeyTell which works on both Android & iOS, you can send to people that don't have the app install. It works similar to Nextel push to talk so you can send important or urgent msg to recipients. Best of all its free how bout that.

Next, Sound hound/Hound let's you figure out a song by listening to lyrics typing part of the song this does come in handy when you are trying to find a  same to a song but can't think of it, well hear you go. I have used this several times to figure out the name to a certain song I can't remember or a new so g that I like.

Tune in for the next installment of cool apps I discuss.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Priority Jumpers

We all have things that trump our priority list that we make for ourselves whether it be work or personal. More so for work everything going fine checking things off your list then in my field I get an IM or call and it happens to be the president of the company computer and I have to drop everything and hope to it. The rest of the day shot all cuz of one computer that has urgency but I do it and it keeps me employed. Just have to rearrange my day and week sometimes up the stress level and aggravation that comes with it. The world of IT. How I love and loathe thee at the same time. What trumps your list whether you are in IT, sales, management, retail, whatever. We all have priority jumpers and we have to deal with them and make do for the better of the company, ourselves or others.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vat Of Useless Information

At times I feel like a vat of useless information from random computer knowledge I have gained over the years to random facts that people don't seem to care about just a whole bunch of randomness just tons of information that is rarely used. Just taking up space in my head. Hopefully it doesn't become crowded and unable to gain more knowledge

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

D.I.Y. Project

I have decided on my next DIY project I am going to make a 2 sided USB flash drive so that I can carry one flash drive no matter where I go. Got the idea from Lifehacker Instructables and think I want and could very well use one of these. It looks simple enough not to drive myself completely crazy with the design and utility set up. The endless possibilities, love how I become intrigued by a variety of things and that I set my mind to something and set out to do and low and behold I do it.

Internal motivation and desire is what I live on.

Morning Workouts

I use to be one of those people who dreaded getting up in the morning, wouldn't even think about working out in the morning. But changing this part of my daily routine has worked out very well for me. Since after work things can come up and the lazy factor and creep in. So by making myself wake up before work and workout I feel energized during the day and feel like I am ready for whatever the day brings. I do still workout in the morning before work but now I have added a couple small workouts to my evenings that don't require equipment to keep me on my goal of being fit and fierce. Before I became a morning workout person I would have never thought about getting out of bed 3 hours before I leave for work. It does make the day go better for me. Find a routine that works for you, if you are not a morning person start off small set your alarm in the morning 15 minutes early then after about a week or so add some more time to that and before you know it you will become a morning person with being able to get up and get things done. I just love morning workouts and hate to miss them because I feel as if I haven't done anything that day if I don't get in my workout before my day becomes to hectic and overwhelmed with daily tasks that seem to drain almost everyone. Start your next day with a morning workout and see how you will be hooked after a couple of weeks. Just can't stop gotta keep going at all cost. Do it for yourself and you will succeed. Don't listen to the naysayers ignore and do you and be the best person you can be. Try a new workout every so often as to not get stuck in a rut or hit the dreaded workout plateau. Good luck.

Dropbox New Feature

The popular cloud storage system has added 'Quick Link File & Folder Sharing' which simplifies the process of sharing a file or folder with someone else. No need to set up a share folder. I might try this out now and share a couple documents that I have been emailing back and forth with a couple people since I didn't feel like going through the hassle of setting an actual share. Makes it easy with the click of a mouse. Simplicity is the way to go and makes things more user friendly and people to actually want to use them when there aren't several steps that need to be done in order to reach a simple goal. In this case it happens to be Sharing a file or folder. I have thought of many times where I wanted to allow people access to a file but never got around to it because of the extra steps that were needed. Now no more just click the 'Get link' and you are on your way. Dive in and see for yourself.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Buckyball Madness

Got my first set of buckyballs and I can't seem to put them down. These things r addictive. I cant help myself, making a variety of shapes. Making a cylinder is way easier than making a cube I will say. These damn overly strong magnets wut have I got myself into. What to make now I am going to have to get some more and maybe the buckycubes to ass to my collection of nonsense items I tend to buy myself. Think I have found my new crack and addictive toys. Should have bought them sooner then maybe I shouldn't I do need to be productive and get things done so I can make a living and not be completely involved in playing with my nonsense toys that I buy. Have to do something to occupy my time and fix the boredom.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I was told that u was intimidating the other day. I don't know why I appear that way it has gotten me thinking and it might be true. I am just alwayz on my grind and usually about my business and have no time for games or excess drama. Just overly determined and on my grind I gotta get it just gotta get it. Maybe I can look a bit intimidating but it is not my goal. Just how I am perceived damn perceptions can be a tricky thing, once somebody develops a perception of you it is hard to break out of that. But life goes on and I will perceive despite the odds. I will continue to do me and be who I am. The issue of perception is a tricky thing to overcome by people since everyone is different and has different beliefs and opinions of people and things that happen throughout our daily lives.

Computer Decision

I have finally made up my mind about what to do about a computer laptop and desktop. I am going to buy a laptop and build myself a custom computer so it can have everything I want without having to customize it to my personal needs. Just have to figure out what brand and model laptop I want. So many choices so many options. One thing for sure is that it has to do more than my old laptop which is a must with all tech gadgets I buy. Need bigger and better when I upgrade phone, tv, computer, car, living arrangement. All about doing and being better. Now the real search begins got to start doing my research and figure out what I want and when I am gonna get it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Trying New Things

Debating on trying some new food trying to broaden my variety which I have never been good at. I'm kinda stuck in my ways but I am going to try and see what haapens. New vegetables, aspargus edamame getting more healthy and ki king my bad habits is a goal and I am going to achieve it just have to stick to my guns. New word is sparingly and I will accomplish this might take some time. Since it won't change over night but with time. I'm ready and willing here I go, watch out.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tough Workout Regimens

I have done several of the workout dvds that sculpt and tone your body. Creating a total body makeover, I am happy with the results. I have done Billy Blanks Boot Camp Elite, P90X Classic & P90X Lean, TurboFire, P90X2 & Insanity {currently}. All these workouts have kept me motivated to continue achieving and becoming the most fit individual I can be. I have found out more about myself by sticking with these tough workouts and busting them out over the last couple of years. Workouts I have lost some unwanted pounds, become more toned and gained more muscle definition something that I have always wanted and now I am achieving it by sticking to my guns and staying disciplined. I get more cut and defined as time continues to go on and I love it. Just can't stop have to keep pushing for myself and no one else I think that is why I have been so successful. I continue to reach my goals that are continually changing as time and workouts change. Changes each day each workout. Never stop keep pushing and busting through the plateaus. I love it not that I was overweight before now I am just becoming a more in shape individual, I am actually in better shape now than I was during my high school and collegiate basketball days which I know is surprising but I am and I love it and I will continue to keep going for myself despite what others say or what they think. I workout because I like to not because it is a chore. Change your mindset and you will see a difference don't believe me just give it a try and stick to your guns and watch the willpower develop.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Desktop or Laptop

Should I get a desktop or laptop. I need both but a desktop is portable and easy to accommodate my needs but a desktop I can do more with just portable. Even though a desktop has more storage space and faster doing certain things. Which should I get first since I want or need more. I'm leaning towards the laptop but not sure which brand or model I should get or want. What features are a must, which can I go without. So many choices to think about. Hmmm what to do what to buy.

Light Workout Day

It was a recovery day for the new workout I'm doing. Insanity but I feel like I haven't done anything but I feel sore n my legs. Do I need to do other workouts so I feel like I've done something today. Hmmm what to do what to do.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm A Ninja

It is one of those days where I am trying to stay under the radar in terms of being seen, since that is usually when somewhere needs something. "Oh hey I've been meaning to ask you". The joys of being in IT and the only one in the building today. Something is bond to go wrong since I have other stuff to do and catch back up on since I had a mini vacation and came back to the other IT guy off. So I think I have enough to do and keep myself busy without the other things going wrong and them needed to be fixed asap. Since it is the way of the world.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Workout

Started a new workout routine yesterday, Insanity. I feel the pain sore using muscles that haven't been used for awhile since I took some time off after finishing up P90X2. More toned now time to get slim and cut. Just keep pushing and pushing I'm gonna make it. I do it for me and no one else I think that is the reason why I can keep going through and making it through these tough regimens I set up for myself. Do it for yourself and no one else and see the results start to develop. Have willpower and determination and see how far you can go in all things you set your sights on.

Latest Fad

Do you jump onto the latest fafs, diets, workouts. Do you bounce around with the latest infomercials. Does that sound like you, does it work for you, haapy with the results. Try sticking with something and seeing it through til the end. Develop a good habit, it only takes 3 weeks. Try it and see do a little at a time until it sticks and becomes part of your daily routine. It will be tough but keep at it and you will see. Start now and stop the yo yo effect and stick to your guns.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What I Needed

Feel rejuvenated a couple days of me time and giving myself some much needed TLC, doing nothing ir having to worry about doing anything is must the way to get back and feel ready to go. But back to the grind started Insanity today and its gonna be a butt kicker, given it my all and then some. Gitta Get It Just Gotta Get It. Back on the grind tomorrow, kicking it wit Tip Toe she is a funny kid.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

What A Day

A day that I didn't feel like doing anything I have been out all day. Driving all day every car but mine or my moms. When the time comes to drive my car its gonna feel weird especially after driving the van for the next 2 days riding high up. I drive anything and everything oh the joy maybe I will be driven tomorrow, oh that would be nice.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Highlight Of My Day

Leaving the mall in Strongsville heading back to the grandparents waiting to get onto the highway. Had a guy try a unique way of merging. "Hey can I get in front of you." Made my day by far with 3 hours of sleep and up early to b a chauffeur then out n about all day even though I dead tired. Now the 'Late Nite - Barry White's voice' is underway and been going since 4. N too top it off my niece been on one all day and she is in the zone.

Down Time

What to do what to do, no work til Tuesday. Finally some done time but will it be down time since it seems like I always have to be something. We will see I am going to try to do not a thang that is productive for the the next couple days.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Agony Of Computer Hardware

What is the point of making a 3 output video card if only 2 of the outputs work simultaneously. I know why to drive the computer repair and IT support individuals bat shit crazy. which is were i am headed. Racking my brain for hours on end trying to figure out the issue to only find out it is not supported with 3 monitors at once. Now i have to find another way to get the issue fix and the computer to run 3 monitors.

Salvaging a Wet Gaget

This happens more often than victims would like to see it. Have you or someone you know dropped your cellphone, ipod, gaming device, etc in some form of water. Well if you have all hope might not be lost. I suggest taking the device apart removing the battery, video cards, etc and letting the device completely dry itself out. You can also place the device in a bag of rice once you have it taken apart. These are a few free remedies that I have know to work. Just make sure you leave the device apart to allow for all areas to dry for at least 24 hours I would suggest.

For those that would prefer to buy something instead of using these home remedies, try the Bheestie bag it promises to dry it out. It has a reasonable price as well only $20 which is far better than getting a replacement phone or gadget with the insurance you might have purchased when you got the device.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pains Of IT Repair

I always seem to find a way to cut my hand while working inside a computer replacing a video card cleaning out the fans. Whatever it is I seem to end up with at least 1 cut on my hand. How do they happen I have no idea. Sure would be nice to know how I do this. The mystery of how I hurt myself continues. Finding the but hours later too also perplexes me.

IT Support

In the field of IT support you never know what you will run into on a daily basis. Everday is different and challenging in its own way on way or the other. Today has been a great day in the week where I'm tryna get 5 work days worth of stuff done n 5. So this means that something catastrophic is going to happen to change my plans and make my partial week even crazier oh what run. Have been going non stop all day n the computer screens are runnin together along with the words on them. Tomorrow looks like more of the same. Yeah for me. Have my fingers crossed that nothing unexpected happens but n the IT realm that is a good dream rather than reality.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Switching Phone Brands - What To Know

How likely are you just to switch Cell phone brands (apple iphone, android, windows phone, blackberry) just because your friends have a new phone model. Are you part of the fad that has to have the latest technology with phones even if that means you don't truely understand or know how to use the phone and get it just because it is shiny and new on the market. Just to have bragging rights with your associates about the new phone you have just went out and purchased. Do you do research on a phone before you purchase it or do you just go out there and get a phone because it is new and it seems like everyone else has it. I myself am a technology junkie but I do my research before I go out and buy any new technology gadget, to make sure I am getting the right phone for my needs despite what all the latest rave is on certain products. I happen to be the go to person for my close group of friends and family when someone is in need of some technical expertise or just some information on what is out there before they go and hear all the big words from the sales person trying to sell them something they don't want or need or even really understand due to some big words and catchy sayings that have convinced them that they need this phone. Just some things to think about before you make a rash decision and get stuck with something you don't need or really understand all the things it can do. Just do your research ask someone that you know understands the terminology and knows what the phone or gadget can do and possibly help you before you make a decision that you can not change and get stuck in a situation that you do not like.

Windows 7 Re-Upgrade of XP Downgrade & Back

The fun of going through the downgrade process from Windows 7 to Windows XP. There are some things you should take into account. Make sure that all programs function in XP which they should but you always want to be sure. Driver compatibility, nothing worse than doing the downgrade and losing a driver that you have to get back to make the system completely funcitonal. Once you get the downgrade complete make sure you have a XP disc to use and a valid product key which you will need to start and finish the downgrade process. This is not a hard process to do just takes some time, so make sure you have the time to be without a working computer until the process is finished. This could take several hours to complete. I suggest doing the task towards the end of the business day and overnite so you will only be without a computer for a couple hours rather than possibly a whole business day and be behind on your work for the day.

To re-upgrade the system to Windows 7 you will need a Windows 7 disc or ISO file that you have burned to a disc to start the process of making your computer back to Windows 7 OS. This process takes a little bit of time as well but it is very straight forward in regards to following the prompts on the screen. Also the cool thing about when upgrading back to Windows 7 the users files are saved in a 'Windows.old' folder so you can copy all the files back for the user after the upgrade is complete. You will however have to reinstall the programs the users needs to function throughout the workday or just to have a fully functional computer.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Feelin It

Oh how am I sore the last 3 days have been busy between work and then coming home and working in the yard diggin it up my yard throwing dirt and rocks I feel the pain. But all my handwork has paid off and u am proud of my work.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hardwork - Weekend Project

Hard work, willpower and perseverance is all it took. Had an idea of what I wanted had the free time, so I went ahead and did it and quit talking about it and was about it. Me,myself and I, is all I need plus the know how.

Friday, April 6, 2012

DIY Yard Project

Have i bitten off more I can chew, maybe but I've started now and n the deep of it so I have to finish since can't leave it half finished. Looks a hot mess now but when I'm finished it'll be something to that I want. Do it right the first time and u won't have to do it a second time. Hard work, dedication, motivation and innovation.

Get It Done

Do It Yourself

Invest the time and learning to do it yourself. Take some pride in your hardwork and skill. Plus save yourself some money from projects around the house to making a simple website. There are ton of how to books and websites that can be ur inspiration. Be motivated and get it done.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Website Updates

I have been busy at work updating a couple websites I manage and others that I have created and update or help the user update the site without my help. Check out the latest  - New CMS


Oh how I dislike computer hardware. The dislike has grown tremendously within the last 6 hours and counting. They never make it easy do they, website says one thing product says another. I have been driving myself crazy all due to a single '- D' & '-I' issue with a video card that is suppose to allow multiple monitor display with Windows 7 Operating Systems. This whole ordeal has lead me to believe that I am losing my mind and worse off my computer repair skills, which is luckily not the case since it is a manufacturer default or misconception. Some pressure has been relieved but I am still on the brink of losing my damn mind until this whole ordeal is fixed. But at least I know that I am not directly the cause of this issue or my idiocracy is to blame for my lack of computer hardware repair within the last 24 hours. I am calling it a day with this computer and on to something else that is on my list of things I need to do.

Onward & Upward I go at least until the next computer mental meltdown or problem that occurs so I give myself a countdown of 24 hours until the next big computer hardware issue.

I digress.

Positive Outlook

I am turning over a new leaf that is having a positive outlook on all parts of life and not letting any negativity effect my life no matter what the source. Working on a better me moving towards a better outlook. Working on me, doing better is feeling better. Stop think about it. Go after it and be a go better. See what you want and go for it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Using Flash

Want to add some flash to.your website or blog. But don't wanna have to learn flash try out the have a variety of galleries and components to choose from and you can use them for free. My favorite words when using stuff.

Trial & Error

This seems to be the model I live by when working on computer repair usually fixing the problem with the most uncommon method and finding all the weird PC issues that seem to affect no one but me. Finding a way to fix the issue with time and several headaches. I prevail, I overcome the difficulty usually after a long day of thinking about the issue and not coming up with the solution. The solution usually happens late at night when I am not even thinking about the issue and it comes to me. The joys of the randomness I encounter throughout the day and with time. Can't always be in a hurry slow and steady wins the race most of the time for the dedicated individual that is persistent.

PC Facts - Power Conserving

Do you know what the difference between Sleep & Hibernate in Windows, if not here is a brief synopsis of them.

  • Sleep - power saving state that is like pausing a DVD. All computer actions are stopped any open documents are put into the memory of the computer. It is like Stand By - where all applications and process can be started fairly quickly with the simple click of the mouse or mouse. Activating the computer back to it's previous status. 
  • Hibernate - this option actual shuts down the computer and save open documents and running applications on the hard drive. Deep sleep mode no power. Need to power computer back on to resume the last state of the computer. Ideal for laptop when trying to conserve battery while it is not in use. 

I Think I Made athe Decision

I am going to buy one of these PC kits that bundle a variety of parts that accompany each other to make a good customizable computer. Think I'll check out CompUSA or Tiger Direct gotta do some shopping around to get the best price and value for my buck.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Extend Hard Drive Volume

Have unallocated hard drive volume you can add that space to a current drive primary or secondary drive. It is easy all you need to have unallocated space and administrative privileges. Control Panel --> Administrative Tool --> Computer Management --> Storage --> select drive and add unallocated space

Learning New Programming Language

What programming language should I teach myself next, always building my knowledge in IT. Building and developing new skills is a way to better myself professionally and personally

New CMS I am using

I have recently started using a new CMS software for websites that I have created for people since the one I use is going to start charging. I have started using Cushy CMS which is very user friendly in my eyes. It offers you the opportunity to add editors if you want someone else to have access to update the website or a page in the website. You can edit every aspect of the website from this CMS all you have to do is add a single line of code to the pages and areas where you want to be able to update the website without the user having a vast coding or programming background. The free plan which I am using allows you to update 5 different websites, upload files to your server from the CMS so you don't have to upload the pictures in one location and then add them in another. Ease of use and simplicity to make updating a website easy and pain free for the most part. Always you get more customization options with the paid version if that is what you require. But check it out for yourself,

No Excuses

No excuses get it done, quit putting things off until tomorrow, do it while you can. I am a person that keeps saying I'm gonna get to it but keep putting it off. I need to stop this myself and think I am going to make a change and get it done. No matter what it is IT related things around the house.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Joy of IT Repair

Oh what a day have I had, the joys of being in computer repair and replacing computers on Monday morning before people get in. This day has went on forever, haven't gotten anything done it feels like due to having issues with an updated computer.

Users issues are running rampant.

How I love The World Of IT

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Day Pranks

What is the best April Fools Day prank that you have pulled on your friends and family. Mine usually revolve around technology based rearranging keyboard keys rotating computer screens. The best would be unplugging the mouse and using a wireless mouse to mess with the victim of my choice.

Funny IT April Fool Pranks

<p>Turn the computer monitors upside down. Rearrange the keyboard keys to spell April fools. Unplug the keyboard or mouse. Check out for more funny things that can be done. Sometimes the simple the better. </p>