Saturday, June 30, 2012

Damn Kids

Wow some people have some bad a kids that they jus let run free during receptions so they can drink and mingle with other adults. Running rampant fillin up on whatever sugar they can find playing tag and whatever else they feel like. They make such a mess and we r left to clean it up at the end of the night. Geez people I'm saying at least try and keep them controlled rather than ignoring them until it is time to go.

Bad Reception

Well last night was an overly boring reception, slow music no real flow to the party if that is what u can call it. way too many kids an abundance of pregnant woman. No real big drinkers but they sure were some good azz tippers I will say the best night for tips that I have in awhile. I love it. The married men sure love to flirt with this hot little caramel drop I am especially when the wives aren't around. I ain't mad they were some lookers. The guy running the photo booth wuz a looker for sure, just the way I like em tall slim piece of white chocolate. Ow ow. I need to get me one of them asap sexy know how to treat me and boy do we look good together in my opinion. And that is all that really matters well in my opinion yes.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Too Nice

I was told today that I was too nice, I don't think I am but some do. I go out of my way from time to time but if I am already goin, then I will pick up something occassionally. I do on the other hand tend to go above and beyond in the girlfriend and friend category helping the ones that mean the most to me. I will help others when I can but dint use me or I will stop and not help as much as I can or could. If that is being to nice or leads to me being taken advantage of then well that is me. But don't cross me or you will regret it let me tell you. I am a spiteful person if need be and despite what you think I don't need you if you aren't goin to be a true and loyal friend the same way I am for you.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Keep pushing you will make it and you can only go as far as you push yourself so push the limits then push through those and see where you can go. I continue to push myself to keep moving forward I am all about progression and continuing my forward progress not looking back. I have come to far to stop now no looking back only towards the future and my future self that I am continuing to work on daily. I am stronger mentally, physically than I ever thought i could be and in am continuing to develop and grow and I get older and mature and settle into my adult life, but not settle too much.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I couldn't do it more power to all the individuals that take care of little children it is definitely not my calling I don't have the patience nor the mentality yo deal with all this running and jumping screaming I would lose it. I picked the right calling for a career by dealing with computers and technology I need the quiet and somewhat predictable day to day routine. Even though my days are anything but routine or calm but I can make or break my own headaches depending on the atmosphere that I choose. Most of my craziness is self imposed and self pressure of trying to achieve and be the best person I can and should be.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Im Too Old

I'm too old for all this lack of sleep. Waking up @ the crack of dawn, working out, goin to work, then working one of many other jobs or hustles. Getting this money dies have a price and I am finding it out that it happens to be lack of sleep and social life. I need a sleep/stay cation pronto, asap, immediately. Where I go and do nothing and keep to my damn self and be completely lazy. Late Night & Early Mornings is my life and they suck. But I do it and look at the result a strong independent woman before you, I Am Woman Hear Me Roar!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Are you fucking serious how in the hell do you not have the correct name of the person you are insuring, seriously how fucking bad for customer service is this that you don't even have the name spelled right. How in the world am I to cash a check when this is not my name on a check that I've been waiting for so I can start the process of fixing up my house

Monday, June 18, 2012


This shit has got to stop. No matter how I dress I am constantly being acosted by females aka lesbians. What is it I need to know, I have to know. It is driving me crazy. It has to stop. I don't go out alot but a simple trip to the mall can turn and they are aggressive, and when you say you are straight the best response is are you sure like you are going to say no. Then they say well I bet I can change that, I don't want to be turned out or am I trying to. I keep to myself for a reason and this is it. Too many people assume that since I have muscles and like to wear boys shorts and baggy jeans from time to time that I am gay. Well here is news for all of you I am NOT nor have I ever been I am straight only men not females apply.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fun Times

Its amazing how kids and get you to do anything. Today after we all treated our dad to dinner for father's day, my niece informed her mom that she was going with me. My sister was oh so eager to let her stay and roll wit me. How lucky am I my day plans changed in the snap of a finger, but I still got what I needed done taken care. So my house doesn't look like the eyesore of the street especially since its the corner house. Busy day once I got going but its all good. It is what I do.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


All I do is work it feels like. I need some me time asap, what to do what to do. I know relax around the house I think so but when, surely nit soon enough. The day will come I know and I wait in anticipation I can only imagine what awaits.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Challenging The Odds

Looking back at my life and all the things that I have done, leads me to see how many times I have challenged teh odds and came out on top. From being small in stature but having a big heart and more determination and desire than the rest. I have accomplished alot in my life over the last 27 years. Looking forward to the future I see only bigger and better things coming. I have been told time and time again that I can not do something and what have I done but gone out and done exactly what I set out to do. People that know me understand by telling me I can't do something is going to only make me want to do it more as to prove you wrong and show the nay sayers that I can and will do whatever I set my mind too. Playing basketball through college after being told in the 4th grade I was too small and that I would never be able to play for as long as I did. Being a computer programmer / IT Specialist a field dominated by males. Being a female basketball official another field that is dominated by men. I see myself challenging the standards that are out there and excelling to show others that it can be done, as long as you have the determination adn do it for yourself and no one else. Be who you want to be don't let others tell you what they can't those people are called haters there job is to hate and try and discourage you at all turns no matter what you set out to do. Believe in yourself and you can do anything and will go further than you could have ever imagined as a child. Even with your childhood dreams changing after you become an adult don't let that stop you keep dreaming and keep believing in yourself and you will accomplish anything.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Own Up

Why can't sum people own up to their faults, blaming everyone else and never taking responsibility for things they do always pointing the finger at someone else. Never stopping to evaluate the situation look at what they did but always pointing the finger at someone else when u r at fault. Own up to take responsibility for something and others. See how people see u and don't respect or even think about how ur lack of responsibility effects people around you. Your younger siblings don't respect you or even count on you for simple things. I mean damn grow the f up and be a man. Own up to your faults like the rest of us and the world.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Damn I so tired need some much needed and deserved rest. But no gotta get this money to fix up my house and to keep moving forward. I will get a break soon going hard to get to where I want to be and not where I have been must move forward no matter what. I'm gonna make it I know it and believe I can and will. Just got to have the faith. And trust me I do

Never A Dull Moment

There is never a dull moment n my life personal or family. Its alwayz somethin this week my dad went H.A.M. on the older step bro its been a long time coming and I wondered when it wuz gon happen. Its been said that it was gon b done and it has happened as of 3am Saturday, June 9th. I jus don't get why you want or can live like that. Have u no self pride have u no shame. Doesn't a parent want better for their child, aren't u suppose to lead by example. Something isn't clicking, connection error. Start Reboot Ctrl Alt Del. Something needs to be done since this is a vicious cycle that leads nowhere good. Prove us wrong show us talk is cheap at this point. The power is in the putting. Do for yourself and others will help when needed trust me I knw this for a fact.

Move On And Do Better

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Now I remember why I keep to myself again. I don't like all these people up in my business who only come around to voice their opinion and offer no help in the situation. It is real easy to say something  while you are on the outside looking in. I have to be realistic about the situation, can't just up and leave I do own my house I am not renting. So up and move on the spur of the moment and go where, not to mention I still have to pay a mortgage on this house and then on top of that find another one and on top of that deal with all the fees that are involved with putting a house on the market looking for a new place. While I stay where if I was to just up and move out of my current house. I may not be poor but I am certainly not balling to that extent where I can pay 2 mortgages and still pay my other bills. I could see if I have been having problems in my house for the past 5 years but this is the first time I have had such an incident. I work hard for what I have and either way I still have to fix the window. So what the hell are you nay sayers saying what you would do. But wait if the shoe were on the other foot I think not. Offer only positive info, better home owners insurance, a person who fixes windows, etc. You can keep all other comments to ya damn self cuz I don't need them or have time to deal with your lack of reality expectations. Grow up live in the adult world and not that of a child where things magically go away.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hustle Mode

Now my hustle mode has been pushed into overdrive against my will due to the assholes that decided it would be cool to shoot my house wit a BB/pellet gun last Friday night. I had other plans of what I was going to do with the money in my hustle acct alwayz I have named it. All the funds from my various huatles comes in handy when I need some extra money for monthly expenses or to have some fun and buy something for myself.

Thanks for knowing what I should do with my hard earned money. Before I get the chance to make up my mind on a home project.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Oooh The Headache

Oooh the headaches of home ownership, now I am in the waiting phase of the ongoing issue with my house that has occurred this past weekend. Now time for contractors to try and oversell me something when all i want and need at the current moment is a window that is not full of little holes. Regardless to say I know I need to redo the other windows but my finances do not permit such extravagant repairs and home makeovers at this point in time. I am in the baby step process of my home remodels. Knock some of the smaller things out and then go for the big ones is what I had in mind. I want to start off small, for instance painting my room and my Woman's Cave. Trying to make my Bachelorette Pad one that stands out and defines me even more so than it does. I am working inside out since that appears to be cheaper than outside in and my wallet and finances greatly appreciate me taking my time and moving along at a slow pace so I do not overwhelm myself or go broke in the process. I work hard for what I have and know what I want and won't stop until I get it. I push myself because I know that good things come to those who wait and work towards their goals. Never settle never stop. I'm on a mission that I chose to accept, everyone has an opinion of what I should do. Have the insurance company write the check out to me instead of the company. I really don't have the patience to deal with such things I like quality work and since this is a rather big factor and viewpoint on my house I need to think through all aspects of the situation and go from there. I am currently just waiting to see what these companies are going to say about how much said window will cost. It's huge 75" H & 74.25" W, not your average window by far. I guess I am in the pricing stage as I have named it since that is what I am waiting for before I can start and move on and not see this eyesore that is now on the fron t of my house. 

I would like to thank the knucklehead(s) who decided I didn't need some of my well earned money that I had in the bank. I actually had other plans for that money but now those plans have been diverted. Thank You so much what was I thinking fixing up my basement. Who needs a better floor and somewhere else I can go to do things in my house that I pay for. Why do I need to use my basement as a common lounge area if I decide to have people over. I can just go upstairs to my den/workout room and we can sit on the futon and floor and watch tv.

Congratulations I applaud you for knowing what I need better than myself. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 3

Now I am even more peeved about this whole situation even more so than I was initially. Thanks to my wonderful home owners insurance claim agent, who was a big help. Let me tell you I could be an insurance claims agents if all you have to do is suggest looking in the yellow pages for companies that do window repair. Wow I can come up with that diagnosis, genius I tell you. I defnetly have the wrong idea of what an insurance company should do, or the help they should provide on such issues. Silly me thinking insurance was to assist and ease my concerns about a situation with my house. I do pay a substantial amount of money for such savvy informative service. Now since I am spiteful individual especially when provoked I feel that it is my job to try and find the most expensive company I can find to do the work & receive estimates from.

Also on a side note why are the window companies that I have reached out to way more helpful during this stressful time than my insurance company who I pay every month to keep my home owners insurance. Who I thought I paid to assist in such Home Owner Issues.

I think it is time to shop around for a new home owner insurance company...Maybe one with more customer service needs to assist individuals in trying times.

It is time to move on I think.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 2

Now entering day two of utter annoyance. When will it go away a little better now that it has been a min. Now jus Sittin and waiting on the damn insurance be better if I wud have at least heard something from the claim agent
But no nothing the longer it goes the more annoyed I become and will become. Jus guessing this is the start to a partial home remodel. I was getting around to it but trying to line other things up first but reality has told me other was. To hell with my plan on to the next one. Jus have some unanswered questions like why what and who. Just so random I don't bother anyone keep to myself try and stay drama free. Go to work n watch my niece had chill at home. N bang tons of unanswered questions remain.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Well I have had an eventful day did my normal morning routine, worked out went downstairs, checked the mail, looked out the big window and to my surprise found that it had bb wholes in every pane of the big 6 pane window. WTF is all I can say I am still upset and pissed off to the highest level of pisitivity. I had the cops at my house for a police report before noon, talked to my home insurance people to place a claim. Now I am waiting for everything from the police report to be completed to hearing back from my insurance claim handler. I have had a fun filled saturday. I had to workout again to relive some stress before I hurt the first person that pisses me off. Washed my car to calm down some more now enjoyin some me time before I have to go bartend tonight. What type of foolishness let's jus say I need some TLC  to relax myself and to keep my mind off the nonsense that has came upon my dwelling were I go for peace and serenity. I have to get over this move on and not let this keep me too down.

WTF WTH TFB.... I am jus in pure shock of what has happened to my house. Well the positive side no one was hurt it could have been worse, I could have been hurt the damage could have been way worse. I am happy no one was injured and that it appears to just be a random incident.

I heard something last night but didn't think anything of it now I have put two and two together and realized that strange unusual sound I heard last night was probably the result of the shots being taking at my window. Let's just hope that it was random and that my house was not targeted or I was the target of said attack.