Monday, November 26, 2012


The times of me being overly nice is coming to an end. Putting my needs and wants on the back burner for others is over. Time to think of myself first from now on. If I don't want to I'm not if I have the option in my personal life. In need of sum desperate me time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Still trying to put the pieces back together after the events that unfolded Friday. Just feels so wrong don't know how to feel about the situation, I'm mad, frustrated, annoyed, irritated, confused. Just left wondering why and what they decided to take and nothing more. Now making some of my home renovations happen now instead of as I had planned with spacing them out. A sense of urgency is now here trying to get everything in line so I can get my belongs back and in essence start over and get back to my normal life.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Work Work Work

You would think leaving work I would be done with work for the day. But I guess not work then some more work. Websites and graphic editing fun time had by all. I jus go hard 24-7 365. My motto is work hard work hard and maybe play hard but not really happen to often.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Crazy Day

Should have known today was going to be a good one. Forgot deodorant then get to work and get a call saying i think I killed the projector. So happens the lamp died, the search is on had to find new bulb which was a trip itself then. Ladder screwdriver removing projector after figuring out how to remove it to replace lamp oh what fun. Fun fun there goes my plan for the day oh we'll better luck tomorrow I hope.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nonsense Talking

So glad that I am done with my basketball association meetings for the year. So much nonsense talking no purpose answering own question while continuing to talk. Oh how pointless and a total waste of time. Don't really learn anything just sit there and let my mind wander of into space.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nonsense Talking

Officials association meetings are a bunch of nonsense talking. This is where old white guys go to hear themselves talk and answer their own questions. There is no right answer everyone has different point of views and perspectives of a situation so we have to agree to disagree and move on. This is spiraling into a bottomless pit of nothing and nonsense

Friday, November 2, 2012

Never Ending

I live in a world of never ending projects. The majority of the projects that I am working on for work have became the projects that never end. Alwayz having to tweak something, add this delete tthat move this here change this change that. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel I am not sure if it is I definetly don't see it. Guess this will just go in the pile of ongoing projects since in IT nothing is really ever finished it can always be tweaked changes made updates continue to come in on how to make the application better. I think I have a revolving door of projects they remain finished for a few seconds and then I need this added what about adding this type of detail or function. The joy of computer programming and application design and implementation.